Sinister: Look blue, go purple

Mark Casarotto boyincorduroy at
Fri May 17 13:20:41 BST 2002

Hello hello,

I don't have anything to advertise this time - a pure
post of relative pointlessness, if that's okay.

It's a warm day, so warm that my skin hasn't stopped
being sticky all day. Any of it. It's an attractive
image, I'm sure, and one I shall hurry by to prevent
the delicates among you requiring smelling salts
administered by men in starched collars with
flamboyant facial hair (cf. Peter Miller).

Amy Longcore has recently gone pastiche (and Ken)
crazy. Admirable qualities in a woman, as Pinter would
say. Sadly, unlike (in) Pinter, Amy doesn't show us
her knickers.

I've been spending money like mad lately, which is
just *silly*. I'm still unemployed, but as you may
have noticed, even housework no longer has the illicit
thrill that encouraged me to post all about those
saucy floor-mopping moments in my underwear which
graced Sinister in January. Nowadays, of course, I
need to do it shaven and naked with a feather duster
up my bum to get anywhere near the same thrill.

I did discover, though, that cleaning the bath while
taking a shower is both highly effective and almost
like play!

So, much picnicking in the immediate future (American
listees ignore this paragraph, it'll only bore you).
Brighton on the 25th! Then London on the 1st June! Has
anything been officially arranged for then? It's a
Saturday and certainly *deserves* a picnic, Primrose
Hill, 2pm, etc. etc. How about it?

(/me patiently waits for an email telling him how out
of touch he is, how there's already an orgy of epic
proportions organised, etc. etc.)

I spent a large part of the last two days with one of
the bestest listees in the world. She's Robyn! And
she's been in London, and is coming back in time for
Brighton! I'm not sure what I'll do without her for
the next ten days. She's THAT cool.

I went to New York last week. But that probably
deserves a post to itself.

Toodle pip sinister!
Mark xxx

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