Sinister: Saludos desde España!
Javier Garcia
javiersson at
Sun Sep 22 18:39:52 BST 2002
Hi Sinisters!
My name is Javier, and this is my first post. I just wanted to introduce
myself, and give a short-but-interesting review of B&S's concert at
Well, as you guess from reading the subject I am spanish. I joined the list
about three weeks ago, and since I haven´t read any post from Spain. Is
there any spanish sinister on the list? (other than me, obviously ;-)
I remember there was a girl studying swedish. Well, I've been learning
swedish too. I really like, and there's a lot of interesting music sang in
swedish. If you want to know some bands just ask me. I know the state of the
swedish scene ;-)
At last, my short review. The concert was held in Benicássim (Spain), the
2nd of August. There were 15 musicians on stage (the band and a string
arrangement), and the sound was pretty good! They invited some girls to the
scene, and even Monica was there to sing "Lazy Line Painter Jane"!!! Simply
great!! The whole concert was brodcasted by Radio 3 (the "pop station" of
the spanish national radio), and I got a copy of it. So if you are
interested in trading, just write back (it's the only thing I have to share,
at the moment) and we'll try to do something.
Well, I think that's all. Best regads to all of you!
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