Sinister: It was a Sundae, and all my friends Desserted me

Ben Apps benapps at
Mon Dec 1 23:49:08 GMT 2003

A couple of days ago at work it was nearing the end of the day, and our 
receptionist, Vanessa, puts a call through to me. It's some crazy guy in New 
York City who's trying to get hold of one of the products that the company I 
work for makes. (FRENZY - Bulked Up texture, by Short Sexy Hair, if you're 
So I start to give him the number for our New York distributor, when he asks 
me where I'm from. Now I get that quite a bit, what with my foreign accent 
and everything, so I tell him I'm English, and he seems pretty impressed 
with that and says "Wow! Like the Beatles huh?" he asks rhetorically.

"Well, they're from Liverpool, which isn't too far from where I'm from", I 
tell him. He then starts to go through a list of firly well known British 
rock bands The Stones, Coldplay, Travis, The Charlatans (UK)! Elbow, Oasis, 
Doves, Stone Roses...etc. Then he stops and asks me who my all time favorite 
group is?
I told him "I would have to say Belle and Sebastian", to which he replies 
"but aren't they Gay?".  Maybe he's only heard the opening bit of The State 
I'm In, maybe he's just some dumbfuck homophobe, either way he's implying 
that a red blooded male like me shouldn't be into them. "Um I don't think 
so, but there are seven of them...", he clarifies "What I mean is you aren't 
gonna get any girls listening to Belle and Sebastian are ya?".  I explain to 
him that it's quite the contrary and he mumbles something about not wanting 
to get me fired and hangs up. He probably reckoned I was some kind of 
internet mentalist or sumfing.

Eric Brasure: No, I haven't been able to get hold of SIMOB in the states 
either yet. When I do it'd better have all 8 pages or there'll be hell to 

Christine Irene: It's sweet you're dreaming about my as yet unborn children, 
but Rayma? What kind of a name is that? :)

Let's have lots of reporting back from the UK shows pleeeeeease!

I think that'll do for now, don't you?


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