Sinister: Yet another gratuitous post

Christine Irene competitionsmile at
Thu Jan 23 15:21:39 GMT 2003

Greetings all.  I am here.  In Chicagoish.  It is
colder than a mother**** here today.  just heard the
weather. it is -19 degrees outside.  christ on a
crutch, it is too cold to do ANYTHING!!!!

i hope that all of you are well.  i know that some of
you are as I chat with you everyday.  :o)  
i was happy to see a post from ken chu today, i was
wondering where he had been.  broadband is the only
way to go.  it is for this reason that i leave my
computer at work now.  dsl lines aren't available
where i live yet and i cannot go back to dialup.  poor
me, i know.

so in my last post i mentioned  a school.  i went
there on sunday.  i was the only girl.  i am always
the only girl.  it reminded me of this time that my
friend solomon took me to this hard core porn shoppe. 
i was the only girl there as well.  very
uncomfortable.  but i digress.  i love this school.  i
am going back on saturday so that the admissions
director and i can customise a programme for me, as
much of the coursework i have done in spades.  i start
school in march *ideally*

speaking of march, i am on holiday from 21-29 march. 
i think i may be venturing to lovely arizona.  are any
of you in arizona?  i sure hope so.  i mean, i have
tons of other mailing list types in arizona, but
sinister members are just different.  i love you all
so very much.  I can honestly say that this is the
only list that i am on which i don't dread messages
from. the truth of the matter is that i love to read
posts on here.  

i think it is so funny that many/most of us, pour our
hearts out on this list when, in a social setting,
most of us would never speak. i think we are a pretty
shy bunch overall.  

I got an offlist email from someone the other day that

   Hi there, I am a member of Sinister and I  wanted
to thank you.  I read all of your posts and they
always make me feel better.  So much of what has
happened to you I can relate to and I enjoy everything
you write.

It was one of those phantom emails.  have you ever
gotten those?  where there is nothing in the sender or
subject areas?  very odd.  well, to my phantom
sinister, thank you.  

and to s. lord, i am so happy that we chat as we do. 
funny how we find ourselves in similar situations. :o)

dirty vicar.  where are you?  i suspect that, as we
speak, you are camped out at the Brown Thomas Fashion
Show trying to woo Gavin Friday and send him to me. 
Do have fun. 

Chris.  I hope that you're still alive and having a
swinging time in Texas.

ben apps.  i loved reading about your wedding.  the
two of you are a lovely couple.  all the best.

and that wraps it up for now.

trying to stay warm......


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