Sinister: OT: UK listees make your voice heard

Geoff Sheridan geoff_sheridan at
Mon Mar 17 14:36:32 GMT 2003

This is political - if that is likely to offend you please disregard 
this message. Flames welcome, but off-list please. Bear in mind it 
qualifies for list-space by containing satire and at least one 
reference to Belle and Sebastian. <= That was it. I am also convinced 
that our fey Scottish popsters of choice would have mentioned Chomsky 
(see end) in a song by now were it not so damnably difficult to rhyme 
with. Just like 'Orange'.

It looks like there may shortly be a vote in the UK parliament on the 
war in Iraq.
If you are interested, you can make your voice heard. Here's how to 
find out who your MP* is:
You will find a link to contact them by email.

Then if you are *in favour* of the war in Iraq, simply copy and paste this:

I am writing to express my support for the government's position on 
Iraq. I admire your resolve to go the UN route - it's not your fault 
that you failed to convince anyone but Spain to agree with you. On 
the contrary, this just proves that the UN doesn't work. What good is 
an organisation which cannot be bullied or paid-off to rubber-stamp 
American foreign policy? So in future I don't think you should bother 
with that 'talking shop'.
No, I think our military killing machine will do the talking just 
fine from now on.

OR if you are *against *:

You clearly have a brain - write your own. You might want to include 
the latest Amnesty International estimates that 50,000 civilian 
Iraqis will be killed and 500,000 injured. has an online petition and a 
suggestion for a form of words. If war breaks out then follow the 
advice at

If anyone would like to join me on a Sinister March-nic in London 
this Saturday 22nd, please mail me off-list.

Thanks for your time,

Geoff (better dressed than you since 1998)

* Find out how they voted last time here:
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