Sinister: She wore a raspberry beret

Matt Campbell blokefrombargainhunt at
Wed Mar 26 14:30:38 GMT 2003

How y'all doing!
I'm in a super good mood cause I just finished my last
essay before the easter break. 
However i'm becoming quite suspicious when essay
deadlines are set for the last week before the
holidays. Next time any of your
teachers/lecturers/bosses give out a deadline just
before your holiday, 
try and contain your shock and anger. Instead study
his or 
her face and just wait for a grin to appear on it. To
be fair most 
of them try their very best to hide it but its hard
not to 
crack when you're being so Goddamn evil. I know though

that if I'm ever in that position of authority i'll
be grinning wider than anybody else!
My other reason for being as happy as someone who just
polished off 
a bottle of prozac, is that the sun just keeps on
continuing to shine. 
I think for the last week, Aberdeen has been one of
warmest places in Britain. I've noticed that the warm
are doing strange things to people up here as well. As
as the sun starts shining everyone seems to dive for
their sandals 
and sun-tan lotion. I was walking down the street
following a guy that was completely topless. I mean
its warm 
just now but it definately isn't that warm! Surely
someone must have reminded him what month we're in. 
I'm off so I can spread my annoying happiness to some
more unsuspecting victims.

P.S. I was a wee bit surprised to hear Stuart and
Stevie say on the bands website recently that If
You're Feeling Sinister was the album they were least
happy with. I've been listening to it heaps recently
and it still sounds spot on. I also think its their
best album to listen to on sunny days.

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