Sinister: Drink Canada Dry

Stefano Santabarbara s.santabarbara at
Fri Jul 30 13:52:18 BST 2004

	Dear Sinisters and Sinistrines

	[(Back to) Experimental Jet-set]
	I don't know how much experimental, as long as the time I am actually
spending in the laboratory grinding spinaches in dense and sticky sugar
blobs is getting shorter and shorter, but definitely back to jet-set.
	After a spent spinning around essentially any single country in Europe,
essentially to justify the fact I have been ripping of money (my not well
deserved at all payroll) our of (swindled) EU taxpayer, and rather
stationary year in Lundun town, in which I've swindled the UK taxpayer
instead, they have decided to board me on plane for another commonwealth
partner: Canada! Actually just to take stress the fact that I can't speak a
single word of French apart from Rene Arnoux, Alan Prost and La Pastie de la
Burguisie (although all of them pronounced with a quite tick Italian accent)
I've been shipped, I guess is the right term considering the budget problem
of the college I'm allegedly working for, to Montreal, Quebec, on the last
week of August. That makes the case for a couple of extra week to be spent
there, before being shipped back as a damaged good. I think one of reason I
keep on doing the work I do, don't ask exactly what it is because especially
at present have exactly no clue, is that the people **in the field** get
together in some lovely location. Few years ago, the university I used to
work for gave me the chance to spend some times in Australia, and that was
kind of a dream of youth coming trough. Most of people I talk to after that
was quite disappointed by the fact I have spent more time looking at
penguins rather then kangaroos and koalas, but they should have expected
from me to do something bizarre al least. Talking about childhood dream, I
think Canada as always been the other place I wanted to visit, must be
because of all of the Jack London's books I've read as toddler, and now I
feel quite excited at the idea I am going to be there in just a few weeks.
Although is not going to be winter and I won't be travelling on the infinite
snow and ice landscape riding a sledge. I am clearly attracted by open
spaces. That is probably why I wanted to be a sailor. Or an astronaut. I
guess everybody in the late seventies wanted to be an astronaut wearing a
silver suit and riding a space rocket. I don't know how I got think I would
have enjoyed playing the game of being a **scientist**, is it true I am?
quite sure
 Anyway I think a shiny silver suit would look much better then a
lab coat, even if some people can wear them with a certain class, I might
admit, I am not one of them.
	[The case of murder classic]
	You go to conferences and sent abstract of what you have done in the years
(what I have I done?). Some people get selected to talk. THEY get selected
to give a talk, some other get selected to provide entertainment, some for
both. Well, entertainment generally is not meant to be provided by
conference attendees, but it seems to be the case this year
 One of the guy
I briefly work with, in France, without managing to learn the language.. oh
yes, I can say Renault and Citroen too
 has been asked to play with his
blues band (?!?) after the lectures
 probably the only thing he remembered
about myself were some odd stomp-boxes I use to built in the cellar. Apart
from a rather odd look, quite scientific I'd say, more then everything else
I have done in so-called-academia for several years now. To cut a long story
short I received this unexpected email asking if I wanted to play some tunes
as well. That would make me an active part of the conference for once, at
least till a gave up the bad habit of shouting at speakers
. I am
not sure if that I REALLY going to happen, but if so, my plan is to play,
well essentially destroy, a few B&S "classic"
well thought that some people
from the Montreal sister posse might have liked to have a good laugh at me
getting essentially completely shit-faced in front of the rest of the
**scientific community** and if you'll only sing alone I will be happy then.
	Although I fear my Ph.D supervisor would deny he has ever known me, despite
having the name on the same papers.
	" he should be an homonymous" 
	He'll said.
	I'll deny I know him either. 

[Somerset House]
	I went to the fist gig at the Somerset house, a couple of weeks ago.
As soon as THE band stated to play the fist couple of songs from
Tigermilking I thought I was going to faint if they were going to do it all,
especially Electronic Renaissance, which would be fantastic to hear on stage
for once [I never had the chance to attend to any of the so-called "golden
age" performance]. Despite a tiny bit of disappointment for a few seconds I
really had a great time dancing around in choreographic style and waving
multicoloured fluorescent sticks for most of the gig. 
I think that the 2-pint glasses they were serving at the bar were geniuses
as well. We've lost Mr. Chu at a certain point, I hope he didn't drown in
one of them as he allegedly has a few. Well, actually what's the point of
queuing at the bar two times when you can have two pints in a go? Well, 4 or
6 depending on the degree of juggling, acrobatic handling etc etc

[My Recent Record Addictions]
	I don't know if you're really interested in that, but though it might be
nice scare some of recent, and less recent really, passion for a few bands.
Some of them have really rocked a couple of months of mine at least. So here
they are:
	I had the new Bonnie Prince Billie (singing Greatest Palace Music) for a
while but haven't listen to it properly for a long while. I suddenly
discovered how much I really love the records just a couple of weeks ago.
Having literally fell in love with the first couple of Palace records,
especially the fist one (Palace brothers), I found it nice but a bit strange
to hear the same songs in the a more complete and flavoured rich
arrangement, almost in a sort of traditional Nashville-style country, but as
I stated to enjoy that, it became addictive
 without many doubts, I think,
Will You Miss Me When I Burn, is one of the best song of the last 20 years..
will almost sound good if I do play that in the morning and with a bad
hangover, If I could ever manage that.
	System Officer. This is a quite obscure record. I can't remember having
seen it around much, or ever reviewed. Was stupidly attracted by the cover
at a Pinback gig and decided I might have like it
well I DO! So it wasn't
silly at all. It is 3 Mile Pilot back in action. It is only an EP, but the
song called system officer (just for a change) is sort of stuck to my Cd
player and can't really dare to take it off
 makes me dance
 especially when
tooth-brushing in the morning. The Dudley Corporation supported Pinback and
they were absolutely grand. They rocked nearly more then usual, they have
got class! 
	Mclusky. The difference between me and you is that I'm not on fire. I was a
bit suspicious when the new Mclucky record came out
 Do Dallas was a
masterpiece, hardly difficult to be repeated. In fact the new record despite
the usually sharp and clever Steve Albini I don't think is quite as good as
the one before. Although it is anyway superb. The opening song 'without MSG
I am nothing' is a bliss of genius.
Geoff Farina. The Usonian Dream Sequence. This is a rather old record, is
about 3-5 years old, or something like that. Remember of that because of a
song called 'not about a birthday'
 in the middle of our special night if
you'll leave it will be alright, I'm never really satisfied, a slow kiss and
a bottle of wine, doesn't make everything Ok, so I am leaving anyway, hope
that you don't mind
 it was two of the people I care most for a couple of
weeks ago, and by chance, out of the blue, I remembered the song and how
much I liked and listened to this record when it came out, should have been
more or less the same time as BWTAT if I'm right
 I had to listen to that as
well in succession.
	And Finally
 my favourites for a couple of years, essentially
	THE EXPLOSION IN THE SKY!!! The are a revelation. On stage is a sort of
half mystic experience. I think they have the best song titles for
instrumental music as well
 and record title as well. Those who tell the
truth shall die, does who tell the truth shall live forever. I think the
second part of the sentence is true, although often happens that they rather
die: the first songs shouldn't have been anything but 'greet death': I'll
do, of course! 
on the 'the earth is not a dead cold place' got a couple of
songs that almost move me to tears each time I hear them 'first breath after
coma' and especially 'your hands in mine'. I can't listen to this song
without thinking how different my life should have been right today if I
were not a bloody idiot. But I am and can just live on memories. And
memories for how nice can heart. Is amazing how sometimes there is no need
for words to explain things. TEITS seems to know that quite well. Will be
back soon on the CD drive when my teeth will unrealistically shiny because
of System Officer.

Hope all of you are fine
Love and happiness

School of Biological Sciences
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
Department of Biology
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
E-mail: s.santabarbara at

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