Sinister: Get out of the office and Springtime!
Jay Eckard
jayeckard at
Sun Mar 7 01:18:18 GMT 2004
Hello Sinistris and Sinistros:
I decided to post today in honor of the fair Avalanche of Belle and
Sebastian-ry I've been involved with today. It started simply enough: I
watched the video for Legal Man on my shiny new DVD player. It's quite keen,
and I greatly desire the poof-tastic and decidedly Pertwee-esque clothing
worn by the Gentlemen On The Couch.
Later, while I was slogging away at work, I saw someone with the same
Belle and Sebastian t-shirt I got in Durham when they played there. I get
upset for some reason when I see other people wearing it here. I was once
ballsy (read: drunk) enough to tell a lad of about 18 at a
Manitoba/Broadcast show that he had to TAKE IT OFF* when I saw he had one.
Serves him right for snarking into club with booze. Kids today...
Anyway. The point there was a man with that shirt at work today. Being a
decent sort, I tried to make conversation as a prepared his swill. "Oh" says
I "did you see their show here last Fall?" He nodded and told all about how
he quite liked DCW but other recent stuff was shit. He specifically
mentioned Legal Man as shit. I reeled.
Other than that, work was quite awful (our concession to Elderly
Employment is exactly why you don't hire the elderly for certain jobs...
he's painfully slow, clearly incompetent and typically crotchety) because of
George the Moron. To make up for this, I decided to go up to the local
record store and buy that copy of the Legal Man 12 inch that's been
beckoning for the last few months. To my surprise, they also had in I'm a
Cuckoo, so I bought that as well.
And I've been listening to them since. And dancing. Since I lack a
partner, I've been dancing with Cyd the Stuffed Kitty, who is surprisingly
good despite his lack of DDR skillz.
But the jury's still out about the new single. Jew's Harps and African
choirs? Uhh... Interesting, anyway.
I wrote in a post a while ago that never came through. That was a pity,
cause it was pretty good. In watching Fans Only, I was clearly reminded of a
truth universally acknowledged, that there /had/ to have been some kickin'
Catfights between Campbell and Martin round about 1999. Oh yeah. You can SEE
it in the Legal Man video. I mean, can you imagine?
That was what my errant post's subject line was. Pretty good, innit?
As I was discussing this with the sadly absent Laura Llew, we decided the
only fit memorial to these fights were for them to be reconstruced by
Jackson and Murdoch. In drag. Preferably as the video for "I'm Waking Up To
Band guys, if you're reading this: Take it Up! Run! I give this idea to
the ages!
Anyway. Enough silliness.
PS: Does anyone know /why/ Matt Henderson and Patrick Doyle got thanks for
making the I'm A Cuckoo video? I've not been in #sinister lately when the
Glasgow people are likely to be functioning, and I'm Curious.
*And not as people salaciously rumoured, to see a hot boy with no shirt on.
Honest, Llew.
"The Posby falls into a Trance
In which it does a little Dance."
Edward Gorey
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