Sinister: the vibe for philo
Dirty Vicar
dirtyvicar at
Mon Jan 10 21:28:43 GMT 2005
So there I was, listening to The Mystery Train on the radio, when I hear
John Kelly put some Thin Lizzy song on. I think it might have been called
"The Wild One" or something, it was all about how the singer (Phil Lynott)
was something of a wild one. Next thing the song had ended, and what should
the DK play but... "I'm A Cuckoo". Winner.
In many ways living in Ireland is a bit rubbish - the rationing, the
curfews, the problems with mutant raiders, etc. - but the place does have
its upside. Not least of which is John Kelly and his Mystery Train
programme. I've heard pretty much every DJ in the world, and on balance I
feel that Mr Kelly is the true heir to John Peel, what with his wilfull
eclecticism and open-minded approach to music. In fairness, he perhaps does
not do so much to seek out new music, and there is perhaps only so much Mrs
Miller any one DJ should ever play, but he is a jolly fellow and I love
listening to him.
Moving along, surely it is time to address the fabulous Sinister Christmas
gift exchange thing, which the lovely Grainne has organised. As something of
a slackass I am in the embarrassing position of being two presents up, with
one still on its way. I had hoped to have a wuvly present on its way to
three very special people by now, but I haven't been able to master the
magic of the CD-writer on Mrs Vicar's laptop. So I don't know, maybe it's
back to tapes for me and you.
I got some nice things from my Sinister schenkers, notably a compilation of
mainly Swedish indie music from Krister Bladh (featuring a track from
well-known Swedish band The Pines).
Lots of sweets came my way from Stefano, nice, but nicer still was the CD -
eschewing the compilation approach he recorded a load of tracks by some
outfit called ONQ, who sing in foreign. I like it.
Maybe now it is time for me to post this and move on. Bless you all!
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