Sinister: Fresh out of the nursery

Leah Radecki leah_radecki at
Mon Oct 6 17:03:02 BST 2008

Ah, my first post on the Sinister List… I’m not really sure how to jump in, so I’ll just go for it, guns blazing like any true Texan would. 
I am an extremely recent Belle & Sebastian fan compared to everyone else on the list, I’m sure.  What’s worse, is I was exposed to the band through the lamest possible way- a friend gifted me the “Juno” soundtrack, which has both “Expectations” and “Piazza, New York Catcher.” 
Basically, two tracks later, I fell in music love. 
Deep, irrevocable music love; in a magical, yet almost creepily obsessive way. I absolutely could not stop thinking about getting more of their music, and this was back in the day before I had a debit card, so simply purchasing a CD from online wasn’t a viable option. 
So began the Great CD Hunts. I went to a plethora of music stores, from commercial chains like Best Buy and F.Y.E. to independently owned little shops, but had no luck. (Though I had to spell “Sebastian” for lots of confused employees) Weeks passed, but I didn’t give up. I couldn’t. 
My breakthrough came unexpectedly, the mark of all worthwhile breakthroughs. I was shopping at a bookstore, not even thinking about Belle & Sebastian, when the friend I was with pointed out that the shop had a music department. Out of habit, I browsed the ‘B’ section, and, happy day, they had not one, but TWO Belle & Sebastian CDs, “The Boy With the Arab Strap” and “Fold Your Hands…” 
Sadly, I was still in school, and rocking a minimum wage job, so I only had money for one album, and I chose “Arab Strap” because I am attracted to green more than yellow. I then discovered that I could order B&S CDs from the bookstore, and bought one every two weeks or so (depending on how long it took for the order to come in and when I got my paycheck.)
I read about The Sinister List in the 33 1/3 book, and happy day, found the List still existed, and here I am.
Leah Radecki


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