Sinister: Allie, what would KEN CHU?

Rachel Apps rachelapps74 at
Mon Feb 23 13:33:44 GMT 2015

Dear Sinisterines,

I think it's time for an EPIC SUMMARY of the past week's posts, which
I haven't had the honour of positing for many many years!

Honey found the key to the old attic door! Also talked about Stuart
David's book, and something about cookie consent...

Then Keith Watson shouted through the door, "Does this thing still
work?" but it may or may not have really been Keith according to

...and then Ian H. confirmed that it did, indeed, still work. Also
that it may have been an imposter Keith. Also, reminisced about buying
Tigermilk and all the friends made on Sinister. Funnily, that message
may or may not have been really Ian... Gmail is really suspicious.

After that, Ian A. wrote of Jane Eyre and "One never knows what one
shall find in an attic" and I liked that because I immediately thought
of Jane when Honey mentioned an attic. Now I want to buy a hand-woven
egg cup from Jane Eyre's Etsy account. "Wild abandon could be too much
like hard work.  It can be difficult to be spontaneous when you're
staring at your feet." There should be an Easterhouse song just
because it sounds good. I will bring elevenses, sing about Easterhouse
and take tea on the lawn with you, Ian. Though I have to admit, I have
not given up Hello Kitty or hair dye, but I also like a nice bit of

Eric (the half a bee) then posted what he tried to post in January,
which was why we began to discuss whether Sinister worked any more or
not, and why I wrote to Honey asking if pretty-please it could be
mended. Eric wrote about "Gipwod" being streamed on radio in America
and something about a tin can in Japan. Mummy i've grazed my knee (AKA
Chris J) expanded on Eric's name for the new album with the name
GIPPYWAND, and I like it!

Jonathan Skinner posted from a hotel in Warsaw. It is so nice to hear
where everyone is now. Jonathan, San Francisco is one of my most
favourite cities. It is lovely to hear that you live there now and are
happily married. Awww!

Lawrence posted that B&S finally played a show in NZ and he also
mentioned a Facebook Sinister List Page and that maybe one should be
invented. And then he and Eric made one, and so if anyone wants to
join that Facebook page they should give a shout. There are about 100
of us on it now.

The Duke of Harringay posted about car washes and listening to old
familiar b&s, and that he likes the new album but wonders what
everyone made of the God Help The Girl film. I have to confess, I've
not seen it yet so can't comment. GHTG album didn't really captivate
me and so I didn't make it a priority to see the film. I would like
to, though.

... and then a post from newbie Matt in Brisbane! Hello Matt! *waves
wildly* I think the last post before the latest flurry was in 2013.

Adrian then posted about "reliving my naughty teens/early twenties in
some mid-life crisis" like some embarrassing dad. I've been doing
similar with my undying passion for the band Suede, but my kids are
still a bit too young to be embarrassed, I still have all that to look
forward to. You're a great dad for being willing to endure a metal
core concert with your daughter!

Dean posted about being in Sheffield eight years ago in a pub for a
meetup and about upside-down badges and meerkats.

Bjort T posted about a live version of This Is Just a Modern Rock Song
from 1995/96 and Alan seemed to remember it was on The Tube. Mummy
i've grazed my knee (AKA Chris J) then said it's from the July 1996
Mark Radcliffe session.

The Duke posted a link to his b&s Flickr set which had some
interesting artefacts in it. He also found a box o' memorabilia on a
shelf and wondered if it would be worth scanning some things to share
with us. I'd love to see some more! He also said the Public Service
Broadcasting LP is good. As I am rarely exposed to new music, I am
going to look for that.

Then Honey posted again and even mentioned me by name in helping to
resurrect the list! *preens* and also said "I'm waiting for a
song-by-song dissection of the new album from one or more of you,
preferably in rhyme form (iambic pentameter would be fine, I'm easy).
I'll get you started with the suggestions that Enter Sylvia Plath is
all quite Dollar and The Party Line is most definitely a homage the
great and dearly-missed Kajagoogoo." I'm afraid I'm not up to that
challenge, Honey. The many years of sleep deprivation I've endured
have turned my brain to slush. I'd like to hear what Ken Chu has to
say about it, though. There was also a mention of the bandchat section
of Sinister from which Stuart David flounced with "<StuartD> Listen,
this is pish, I think I'll leave"

Then Honey banned herself from the list by consecutively posting links
to Stuart David's book on Amazon using unusual characters in the url.
But urged us to use our ingenuity to search for In the All-Night Cafe
by Stuart David. Mummy i've grazed my knee (AKA Chris J) has read it
and swooned, so I think I will have to get it.

Gummi Joh posted about listening to b&s with his little girls and that
his four-year-old said about the Tigermilk poster hanging on the wall:
"the girl is breastfeeding the tiger because the tigers mother was ill
and the woman loves the tiger so much and wants it as a pet." which I
think sums up the picture perfectly!

Mummy i've grazed my knee (AKA Chris J) wrote an epic post linking to
a review of GIPPYWAND that Sam Walton wrote for Quiet and Loud. Then
he also posted his own review that he had sent to Sam. I really
enjoyed reading that, it's made me think more about how I feel about
the album and I really relate to the end bit where you said "Honestly
though, for a band 20 years into their career this is a stonker of a
record and bodes really well for the future. The fact that I've been
able to read Stuart David's book at the same time has made me fall in
love with them all over again - I've been listening to the 90s stuff
with a totally fresh view. It's been utterly beautiful and I've found
enjoyment in places I never did first time round." Now I REALLY want
to read that book!

An update from me, my LIST CRUSH Ben Apps (Mr B) and I celebrated 12
years of wedded bliss at the New Year. "Now I look at you, you're a
mother of two" -  we have two "list babies" who are actually grown up
little boys in school, the eldest will be eight in June and the
youngest will be five in May. We're still living in the London area.
Ben and I are both really enjoying GIPPYWAND, perhaps
he'll post and say "hi" sometime, too!


Rachel fruitloop
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