... still needs minor organising
<P>but to help speed things up a bit, could everyone who can in Manchester
please look at the following places and report back with opinions
<UL>1) Night and Day cafe
<BR>2) Dome restaurant/bar
<BR>3) any decent pubs near the Town Hall</UL>
<P>what we need to know is;
<UL>a) are they nice venues?
<BR>b) would they hold 50 people easily?
<BR>c) would you want to go there?
<BR>d) what food do they serve?
<BR>e) do they have age restrictions?
<BR>f) are they open on the Saturday AND Sunday? if not, which day?</UL>
<P>your help is deeply appreciated, we've already got some plans, but this
will help finalise them and set them in stone (or the web site).
<P>david kitchen
<P>@ the fanclub
Belle and Sebastian Fan Club
<BR> merchandise, mail-outs, chat, lyrics, poetry,
<A HREF="http://www.totalweb.co.uk/bluesoda/">http://www.totalweb.co.uk/bluesoda/</A>
<A HREF="mailto:bluesoda@totalweb.co.uk">mailto:bluesoda@totalweb.co.uk</A>
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