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<DIV><BR>>anyway, perhaps someone already mentioned this, but i was
reading<BR>>Rolling Stone today (which is absolute crap, and even though
i<BR>>haven't renewed my subscription, they keep sending it...), and
there<BR>>was this interview with Pavement, about their new recording, and
they<BR>>said they produced "pretty much hard rock, with a couple wussy
songs.<BR>>That way we can still reel in Belle and Sebastian
fans." this sort<BR>>of makes me... well, unsettled... i haven't
listened to a whole lot<BR>>of pavement, but i've pretty much liked what i
heard, but this<BR>>comment irks me quite a bit. like, "hey we can
tap into a fan-base<BR>>of senstive indie rockers if we tack on a few sappy
songs" or<BR>>something. i detect sarcasm, but why joke about
these things?<BR>><BR>><BR><BR> If this concerns you, i
recommend that you stay clear of all Pavement<BR>interviews. They are notorious
mischief makers with the press. A website<BR>exists that just keeps track
of all the lies they have told. The Belle and<BR>Sebastian comment seems pretty
inocuous compared to some of the other things<BR>they have
<A href="mailto:winboog@gis.net">winboog@gis.net</A></DIV></BODY></HTML>